Eradication of White Sweet Clover and European Bird Cherry in Hope and Cooper Landing Kenai Watershed Forum has been taking action to eradicate these unwelcome plants in the Hope and Cooper Landing areas.
Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Citizen Science and Interpretation Project Collecting beluga whale sightings data and providing outdoor education.
Advancing Equity for Youth from Underserved Communities Through Outdoor Recreation Providing four fun, immersive, and educational experiences for underserved youth in the KMTA National Heritage Area.
Chugach National Forest Trail Maintenance Performing some much needed trail maintenance along the Iditarod National Historic Trail.
Gold Rush Wife The Adventures of Nellie Frost on Turnagain Arm, 1895-1901, as told to her daughter Dorothy Frost.
Trailbound Alaska Film This film shares a story taking place exclusively within the KMTA corridor as Max attempts to travel the uncompleted INHT Southern Trek from Seward to Girdwood.
Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Citizen Science & Interpretation Program Collecting beluga whale sightings data and providing outdoor education.