Girdwood Community Garden Improvements Construction of a new green house at the Girdwood Community Gardens.
Seward Elementary School Field Trip #2 Field trip for 4th and 5th grade classes from Seward Elementary to Manitoba Cabins to engage in a Snow Science Lesson.
Seward Elementary School Field Trip #1 Field trip for 4th and 5th grade classes from Seward Elementary to Manitoba Cabins to engage in a Snow Science Lesson.
Girdwood Bear Aware Community Education Publications Publications that educate the public on how to live and recreate responsibly in bear country.
Girdwood: A Sense of Place and Time Students created illustrations and text to publish a 16 month calendar.
Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute Mural Installation CRRC installed two murals that showcase historical information on the Alutiiq people that inhabited the region around Resurrection Bay.
Update and Expansion of Interpretation Materials at Trail Lake Hatchery Update and expansion of interpretive materials and improvements to outdoor spaces at the Trail Lakes Hatchery.
Silver Salmon Derby Project Interpretive sign installation about the Silver Salmon Derby at the Seward small boat harbor.
Cooper Landing SRS Orientation and Interpretation Project Interpretive sign installation at Cooper Landing State Recreation Site.